SEO Packages Sri Lanka

seo packages sri lanka

How to Read SEO Packages Sri Lanka - Your Key to Online Success

In Sri Lanka's fast-paced digital world, where businesses are always trying to get found online, Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is more important than ever. SEO packages include everything a business needs to improve its online profile, get more pure traffic, and grow in a way that lasts. Marshal Upanishad Fonseka is an experienced SEO professional who gives custom SEO packages Sri Lanka that are made to meet the wants and goals of businesses all over the island.

SEO Packages Sri Lanka

Basic Plan

Designed for businesses with basic IT requirements
Rs 5300/- Monthly
  • 1 Page On Page SEO
  • Basic Keyword Research
  • 1000+ Backlinks

Standard Plan

Designed for startup businesses for growing.
Rs 9800/- Monthly
  • 3 Page On Page SEO
  • Advanced Keyword Research
  • 5000+ Backlinks
  • Includes Branded Reports

Premium Plan

Designed for businesses with advanced IT requirements
Rs 17000/- Monthly
  • 5 Page On Page SEO
  • Advanced Keyword Research
  • 10000+ High DA Backlinks
  • Includes Branded Reports
  • 1 Competitors Analysis

Marshal Upanishad Fonseka’s SEO Packages Sri Lanka : How to Get Rich Online

In Sri Lanka, Marshal Upanishad Fonseka is the most well-known and experienced SEO professional. He has a history of getting real results for his clients. Marshal knows that companies on the island have different needs and budgets, so he offers a variety of SEO deals that can be tailored to each one.

SEO packages Sri Lanka
seo packages sri lanka

Bringing out the unseen: lesser-known aspects of SEO packages Sri Lanka

Focus on local SEO: In Sri Lanka, which is a very diverse and multicultural country, companies that want to bring in people from the area need to make sure they are optimized for local search. Marshal Upanishad Fonseka's SEO packages put a lot of emphasis on local SEO. This makes sure that businesses show up high in local search results and get more approved leads.

Focus on mobile optimization: Since most people in Sri Lanka access the internet on their phones, optimizing for mobile is no longer a choice—it’s a must. Marshal Upanishad Fonseka’s SEO packages put a lot of focus on mobile optimization, making sure that websites are quick, flexible, and easy to use on all devices.

Constantly Checking and Improving: SEO isn’t a one-time job; to keep and improve results over time, it needs to be constantly checked on and improved. As part of Marshal Upanishad Fonseka’s SEO deals, clients’ websites are regularly checked and tweaked to stay ahead of the competition and continue to get free traffic.

seo packages sri lanka

FAQs About SEO Packages Sri Lanka!

What makes Marshal Upanishad Fonseka’s SEO packages different from other ones in Sri Lanka?

Marshal Upanishad Fonseka’s SEO packages are made to fit the wants and goals of each individual client. They have clear prices and a wide range of services that are meant to get real results.

The base price for Marshal Upanishad Fonseka’s SEO packages is how much?

Marshal Upanishad Fonseka’s SEO packages start at just Rs 12500/- per month, so businesses of all kinds and budgets can use them.

How do I buy one of Marshal Upanishad Fonseka’s SEO packages?

You can buy Marshal Upanishad Fonseka’s SEO packages from the shop page on his website, There, you’ll find full details about each plan and how much it costs.

SEO packages in Sri Lanka

In the competitive world of digital marketing, companies that want to do well online need to use the power of SEO. Marshal Upanishad Fonseka’s SEO packages are a complete answer for businesses all over Sri Lanka. They include custom strategies, clear prices, and real results. Marshal’s SEO packages give you the tools you need to be successful online and reach the full potential of your business, no matter how big or small your business is.